JLG Extended Keyboard Layout - (QWERTY with Accents) - Making accessible all latin characters in all alphabets from a simple US Keyboard.

Index | Layout Definition | Country List

Latin Alphabet : Romanian

- All diacritic letters (letter with accent) are generated by CTRL (or ALTGR) + <Sign> then <Letter>
- All dual letters characters or composed sign (like ± or dz) can be generated by ALTGR + <Letter|Sign 1> + <Letter|Sign 2>

Character table (only the specific and particular characters are indicated):


Unicode Character Keyboard combination
258 0102 Ă CTRL + ) then A
or ALTGR + ) then A
206 00ce Î CTRL + 6 then I
or CTRL + ^ then I
or ALTGR + 6 then I
or ALTGR + ^ then I
194 00c2 Â CTRL + 6 then A
or CTRL + ^ then A
or ALTGR + 6 then A
or ALTGR + ^ then A
536 0218 Ș CTRL + , then S
or ALTGR + , then S
538 021a Ț CTRL + , then T
or ALTGR + , then T
350 015e Ş CTRL + ; then S
or ALTGR + ; then S
354 0162 Ţ CTRL + ; then T
or ALTGR + ; then T
259 0103 ă CTRL + ) then a
or ALTGR + ) then a
238 00ee î CTRL + 6 then i
or CTRL + ^ then i
or ALTGR + 6 then i
or ALTGR + ^ then i
226 00e2 â CTRL + 6 then a
or CTRL + ^ then a
or ALTGR + 6 then a
or ALTGR + ^ then a
537 0219 ș CTRL + , then s
or ALTGR + , then s
539 021b ț CTRL + , then t
or ALTGR + , then t
351 015f ş CTRL + ; then s
or ALTGR + ; then s
355 0163 ţ CTRL + ; then t
or ALTGR + ; then t

Note 1: For more details, you can check the notation convention or more generally the documentation.
Note 2: In some alphabet, some dual letter characters are not in Unicode, these specific characters does not appear in the above alphabet.

Index | Layout Definition | Country List